Saturday, April 12, 2014

8 Tips for Entrepreneurial Success

Too many entrepreneurs still believe that their great idea will carry their start up. Yet most investors agree that the "idea" is worth nothing alone, and it's the entrepreneur's execution that counts. That means that selling yourself is more important than selling your idea.

In the entrepreneur world, your perception is equally critical, except the "managers" in this world are your investors, customers, vendors, business partners and team members.

Here are some ideas for self-promotion.

 1. An "idea" is just the beginning. Use your business idea to kick start your relationships with co-founders, investors, customers and business partners. Your ability to promote yourself and learn from these will determine your ultimate success.

2. Polish your reputation, as it's your best asset. Your CEO title might be good for your ego, but in the grand scheme of things, what matters more is how much people trust you, whom you know, who knows about you, and the aura you give off around you. What other people think you can do is more important than what you have done.

3. Your personal life is now public. With the internet and social networks, things you do in your personal life can affect your success in a big way. Manage your whole image, rather than ignore it. Even the smallest things, like how you behave, your online presence -- or lack of it -- and whom you associate with can help build your brand or tear it down.

4. Build a positive presence in new media. There are plenty of benefits to new media, if you maintain a positive presence. Your online social networks enable you to build your reputation, connect with people who have interests similar to yours, find educational opportunities and put you in touch with people who can help your start up.

5. The one with the most connections wins. We have moved from an information economy to a social one. It's less about what you know (Google search will help you in seconds), and more about whether you can work with other people to solve problems. If you don't get and stay connected, you'll quickly become irrelevant.

6. Just one person can change your life. Remember the rule of one? All you need is that one investor, that one major customer or that one distributor to keep you ahead of competitors. It's up to you to get that key person on board to support your business. Self-promotion in the right way can make all the difference.

7. Hours are out, accomplishments are in. If you want to grow your business, stop thinking about how many hours you work, and aim for more milestones and traction. Success is more results, not more work. Measure your results and promote them. Help others realize your value.

8. Your business is in your hands. Be accountable for your own business success, and take charge of your life. Look for win-win business relationships, since people won't help you if you are not helping them. If you aren't learning and growing, you'll have nothing to promote and won't benefit anyone.

Source:  Entrepreneur Magazine; MARTIN ZWILLING | October 10, 2013|

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