My friends
and family find it hard to believe, (since I talk so much), that I'm really an
introvert deep down. Sometimes this can
give off the impression I'm aloof; when I'm really just uncomfortable chatting
with people I don't know well. Not a
good idea when you're trying to build your personal brand. Here are a few
(relatively painless) tips to help build your personal brand.
Talk about your accomplishments.
If you wait for others to brag
about your great work; it may never happen.
There are subtle ways to get your message across. You could ask a co-worker how the new process
you implemented has improved operations, or mention to the boss how pleased you
were with the praise you received from a coworker..
Build strong relationships.
A mentor or trusted manager can help you succeed. It's hard for people who don't know you to
vouch for your abilities. Seek out a
mentor in your organization and nurture the relationship.
Share your great ideas.
When you have a great idea, share
it with your boss so he/she will recognize how much you contribute to the
organization. If you're uncertain about how
to begin, write down key points and rehearse what you plan to say.
Have a plan.
Before you attend networking events, have a few questions ready . Try something different, like "If you
could have any job in the world, which one would you want?" or "What
city were you born in?" Remember, you
don't need to collect business cards from everyone in the room. Focus on having a conversation with (4-5) new
contacts; and celebrate when you accomplish this.
Focus on your strengths.
If you're better at writing than speaking, take advantage of online
networks. Join groups on LinkedIn and
contribute by asking or answering questions.
Share your expertise by writing a blog or a contribute to the company